
Emilio Meneghella


Knowledge. Integrity. Discretion.
Since 1986.

I am Emilio Meneghella and I assist business key players since 35 years.

Based in London, I provide financial advice for EU and extra-EU based companies, multinationals, and High Net Worth investors.  My signature is a tailor-made advice for each client.

Dottore Commercialista and Revisore Legale in Italy and ICAEW – Chartered Accountant – in England and Wales.


I assist companies and families in managing their financial goals and future investments. I keep myself updated on corporate law, taxation, banking and monetary regulations of EU and third countries, in order to select the best solution for financial operations, such as cross-border transactions.

I participate as a speaker at numerous conventions, lectures and webinars, in particular, on the topic of economy and finance. I am the author of business law articles and books, including the “Code of National and EU Laws on cross border business“.


The four pillars that support my profession are
Study, Developing, Consult, Work.



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Emilio Meneghella


Beneficial Ownership Registers

The Beneficial Ownership Registers Interconnection System (‘BORIS’) is a tool to connect the national central registers holding beneficial ownership information of corporate and other legal

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United Kingdom

The UK offers a robust, business-friendly environment to reliably expand, trade and invest.   The UK has a mature, high-spending consumer market and an open,

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You can download my eBook 2023 Protecting Art Collections for free

You can see some of my participations on Youtube


My professional advice covers many trading activities of a business, such as contractual issues, commercial agreements including agency, distribution and franchise agreements, licensing agreements, joint ventures, sale and supply contracts, terms and conditions of business, IT and outsourcing contracts and sponsorship, merchandising and advertising agreements.


I assist clients in mergers negotiations, acquisitions, disposals and other kind of corporate transaction, where availability, agility and responsiveness makes the difference. I advise on shareholder and partnership agreements, joint ventures, share schemes, reconstructions, reorganisations, share buybacks, statutory and corporate governance.


Financial topics such as the protection of personal assets, require additional focus, especially during periods of economic and budgetary instability, in order to preserve their integrity in view of the transmission to future generations. Experience shows that best performing clients do not wait in making decisions about their financial future. I offer financial support with trusts, family foundation, holding companies and with all those financial instruments aimed to preserve the personal assets of the families.


My professional advice covers many trading activities of a business, such as contractual issues, commercial agreements including agency, distribution and franchise agreements, licensing agreements, joint ventures, sale and supply contracts, terms and conditions of business, IT and outsourcing contracts and sponsorship, merchandising and advertising agreements.


Nei periodi di instabilità economica il momento migliore per parlare di temi finanziari, come la protezione del patrimonio personale, è adesso. L’esperienza insegna che il cliente più tempestivo nel prendere decisioni su patrimonio e futuro finanziario, è quello che ottiene i migliori risultati. Ancora di più se a guidarlo è un esperto che lo informa su tutti gli scenari e le soluzioni, aiutandolo nella scelta migliore. Mi occupo di trust, fondazione di famiglia, società holding e intestazione fiduciaria, strumenti che possono essere la giusta protezione per il patrimonio personale del Cliente e della sua famiglia.


Negoziare fusioni, acquisizioni, cessioni e ogni altro tipo di transazione aziendale in favore dei clienti, richiede disponibilità, flessibilità e reattività. Alla base del mio lavoro c’è l’ascolto costante delle esigenze del cliente, per fornirgli la consulenza utile al raggiungimento dell'obiettivo che meglio lo soddisfa. Fornisco consulenza su costituzioni societarie in ogni giurisdizione, accordi tra azionisti e partnership, joint venture, piani azionari, ristrutturazioni e riorganizzazioni, riacquisti di azioni, modifiche statutarie, corporate governance, patti parasociali.


Proteggo ogni giorno gli interessi dei miei Clienti per far progredire le loro attività. Assisto le aree di azienda a presidio della crescita, dai contratti agli accordi commerciali, compresi gli accordi di agenzia, distribuzione e franchising, gli accordi di licenza, i contratti di vendita e fornitura, i contratti IT e di outsourcing oltre agli accordi di sponsorizzazione, merchandising e pubblicità.